Symposium Follow-Up Discussin- April 2024
In April 2024, the It Pays to Care team brought together colleagues from around the country to continue the national It Pays to Care discussion!
The online session was a much anticipated follow-up to our three face-to-face symposiums in 2023. The group had representation from all over the country, and was comprised of insurers, brokers, physicians, rehabilitation providers, regulators, government, employers, and other interested RTW advocates.
The afternoon started with a variety of presentations from diverse sources:
- Michael Walsh, Suncorp GIO, spoke about the significant, collaborative work that has gone into developing the National Standards for Worker Injury Management Systems.
- Michael Young, ACT Government, discussed the comprehensive injury management and rehabilitation program that has seen worker outcomes improve and the ACT Government's insurance premiums massively reduced.
- Ian and Christina, Locktons, provided their perspective on how insurance broker's can influence the culture and outcomes of injury management.
- It Pays To Care's own Dr Mary Wyatt updated the group on ongoing thinking around effective messaging and communication, and pointed
Presentations were accompanied by a rich discussion, that highlighted the great work being done across different corners of the industry. Conversation brought to light several spaces where further collaboration can flourish and which areas require priority attention. The group voiced their continuing support for the IPTC policy and campaign, and the discussion will shape the growing campaign.
Thank you to the presenters and all who attended and engaged in this great discussion. Stay tuned for more updates!